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 Basic materials > What is needed to craft certain materials

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Posts : 141
Join date : 2009-07-24
Age : 31
Location : Hungarian

Basic materials > What is needed to craft certain materials Empty
PostSubject: Basic materials > What is needed to craft certain materials   Basic materials > What is needed to craft certain materials EmptySun Jul 26, 2009 3:43 pm

Mithril Alloy
- 1 varnish of purity
- 2 steel
- 1 mithril ore

Varnish of Purity
- 3 Coarse Bone Powder
- 3 Varnish
- 1 Stone of Purity

Synthetic Cokes
- 3 Cokes
- Oriharukon Ore

Durable Metal Plate
- 5 Metallic Thread
- 5 Mithril Ore

Blacksmith Frame
- 1 Silver Mold
- 5 Varnish of Purity
- 10 Mithril Ore

Silver Mold
- 5 Braided Hemp
- 5 Synthetic Cokes
- 10 Silver Nugget

Maestro Mold
- 1 Blacksmith Frame
- 10 Mold Glue
- 5 Asofe

Craftsman Mold
- 2 Artisan's Frame
- 20 Mold Hardener
- 5 Enria

Maestro Anvil Lock
- 4 Synthetic Cokes
- 4 Mold Glue
- 4 Mold Lubricant

Artisan's Frame
- 1 Steel Mold
- 5 Varnish of Purity
- 10 Adamantite Nugget
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